Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pt. 5

sighed and gave Bo a good, long stare.  It didn't take long before the young boy caved and finally admitted that he'd been fishing at the forbidden pond.

Brother Platinum took Bo by the hand and said, "It's time."  They took four steps to the left.

"When I was a young boy, I used to fish in that pond," he continued, "and I would find many wondrous things.  But ever since I became a man, I haven't been able to find anything. I pass the fishing pole to you.  I'm sure the pond has more to give, and eventually we will know why.  Take this, but don't open it until you're alone in your room tonight.  It will help you in your quest to find more treasures in the pond."  Brother Platinum handed him a small item wrapped in linen, as he took his first wheezing breath since he started telling his story, then sat right down on the floor where he'd stood and refused to say another word.  Bo left him once he started quietly humming to himself.

As Bo went back to the pond to retrieve his fishing pole, he wondered what could possibly be inside of the tightly wrapped linen, but he did as he'd been instructed and waited until he was alone in his room at night.  The rest of the day seemed to drag on interminably, but the time finally came - Bo sat on his bed and by the light of one candle, unwrapped the parcel.  He was stunned by what he saw.

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